Zachary Clark has been working in substance abuse with Preferred Family Healthcare since 2009. Throughout his career, he has filled the role of a Behavioral Health Technician and Community Support Specialist before being selected to assist in the development of Preferred Family Healthcare’s virtual treatment program, Portal, in 2010 as a Virtual Counselor. In 2018, he transitioned to Clinical Supervisor of Virtual Services. Since joining the Portal initiative, Mr. Clark has been actively involved in providing services in both adolescent and adult substance abuse treatment programs, assisted in the development and maintenance of the platform in which services are provided, and has been intricately involved in the development of systems and supports to assist consumers and staff in the expansion of virtual services. He has worked with multiple communities and entities to further the virtual treatment initiative. Currently, Mr. Clark is working in the application of virtual technology in a clinical and educational setting and implementation in drug court systems to address co-occurring and trauma diagnoses in the field of addiction.



Implementation of an Evidenced-Based Trauma Treatment in a Virtual Environment